Title 1 Information
Antonia Pantoja Charter School runs a Title I School-wide Program
Title I funds may be used in combination with other Federal, State and local funds in order to upgrade the entire educational program of a school. However, funds allocated to the Title I Program may not be used to fund other programs.
What is the purpose of the program?
Improve the academic performance of low- achieving students and all other students in the school by working to improve the entire educational program.
Who is served?
All students in the school are served as funds are used to upgrade the entire educational program.
- Smaller classes;
- Additional teachers and paraprofessionals;
- Additional training for school staff;
- Extra time for instruction (Before and/or After School Programs);
- Parental Involvement Activities; and/or
- A variety of supplemental materials and equipment.
Title I funds pay for the following programs and services:
Ø Parent Engagement
Ø Professional Development
Ø Salaries, Benefits
Ø McKinney-Vento Homeless
Title 1 Parent Meeting September